
Right of Public Access

In Sweden you cannot pitch a tent in someone's garden. You cannot disturb a bird sanctuary or trample a farmers crop. Apart from these examples you can go anywhere, canoe anywhere, make a small fire, pick flowers, berries, mushrooms. This is what we call in Sweden "Allemansrätten".

The Right of Public Access – allemansrätten – is a unique right that is secured in Swedish Law. In and around Åre there are miles and miles of mountains for you to enjoy. Explore with skis in the winter or on foot on the summer. You can take short day trips, or longer tours, pitching your tent by a river, or staying in one of the cabins that are on the mountain.

Nature's pantry

In September the marshland gives fruit to cloudberries, or yellow gold (chanterelles). You have to find them yourself. Nobody gives up their favoured secret spots. Some of these spots have been passed down through generations. The forests also gives you mushrooms for dinner and blueberries and cranberries for dessert.

Roam free

It is said that these forests and mountains are home to forest creatures. If you behave yourself and respect the forest they will be nice and helpful.
Allemansrätten is unique in that it gives you the right to roam free for mile upon mile. Be it walking, canoeing, skiing, picking berries, fishing, making a camp fire.

Main rule though – do not disturb, do not destroy.

Read more about the Swedish Right of Public Access.

Photo: Darren Hamlin

Photo: Lina Myhr

Photo: Lina Myhr

Photo: Pernilla Hammar Rognøy

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